the perfect job for you

EXTROME | Iasi, RO. str. Ciurchi 120

SC EXTROME SRL is an international textile company located in Romania, Iasi city. We are a team of merchandisers who are busy with buyings, following orders from clients, placing orders and doing quality control at different factories in EU and NON EU.

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International company

SC EXTROME SRL is an international textile company located in Romania, Iasi city. We are in contact with our own factory in Moldova, but also with the sister company located in China. Our factory produces ladieswear, menswear, kidswear, active wear … etc

EXTROME SRL- international company

Very tempting job offer!

  • attractive salaries+ benefits (example: meal allowance, private health insurance)+ bonuses

  • opportunities: to advance, to get bigger salary, to get in touch with people from different countries EU and NON EU, get more experienced

  • requests: experience in textiles, English advanced, well organized person, positive attitude

  • job title: MERCHANDISERS in textiles (1 place available)

– job description:

A merchandiser play dual role between manufacturer and buyer. Merchandiser is commented with the buyer and to do the planning as use well as procuring the garment order up to the shipment. He plays very important role in the apparel industry. The major role of merchandiser is monitoring an order, first to last. Merchandiser also acts role to maintain accelerate the working execution speed.

– example of tasks:

1) prepare and translate the documentation
2) labeling
3) do the buying (raw material for garments)
4) keep contact with the clients, factories and colleagues from Holland reg. the production process 5) measure the samples and check them before production starts

6) arranging samples
7) keep and update planning
8) check the buyings if it’s according to what was ordered 9) other documents necessary to be prepared

Apply for this job

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We will come back with an answer to your request as soon as possible.

Kind regards!

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The activity of our company in many countries

EXTROME SRL, one of the leaders of the fashion industry since 2002, located in Romania, Iasi city.






Republic of Moldova


